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maandag 24 augustus 2009

5 Ways To Think Up A Great Domain Name That's Still Available

I'd be a zillionaire if I earned a dollar each time someone complains that all the great domain names are already taken. It's just not true, however. Even in a highly competitive industry, you can think up original, appealing domain names for businesses by using naming tactics that few people use, such as these:

1. Focus on results. What is the outcome or end result that people want to have from buying a certain product or service? How do they feel when they have finished the transaction? My own company name, Named At Last, falls into this category.

2. Look for puns. Make a list of relevant keywords, say each out loud and play around with the sounds. Puns are much less likely than other kinds of names to have been registered because their component parts are not actual words. For instance, the name Sitesfaction, for a web design company, was a finalist in our first naming contest - and an available domain at that time despite tens of thousands of web design firms in the English-speaking world.

3. Think slang. Let your imagination and memory fly around for pleasing-to-the-ear expressions. As of today, the domain for an online toy store is unregistered, as is a domain for its sister store

4. Go symbolic. Suppose you're an expert on the horror genre and want to start a paid online community for horror fans., and are all taken, but as of today, the less obvious and more vivid is not.

5. Vary real words. "Google's name is a play on the word googol, which refers to the number 1 followed by one hundred zeroes," says the Press Center of the world's most successful search engine. "The word was coined by the nine-year-old nephew of mathematician Edward Kasner," it continues - providing another hint for creative naming: consult a kid.

Happy Naming!

vrijdag 14 augustus 2009

7 Step: How To Create And Publish Your Own E-Book

In this simple article, I will show you step-by-step how to create your own e-book.

Step 1:
Open your HTML editor (Dreamweaver, FrontPage or etc); if you do not have one, go to search engine and type, "free online editor WYSIWYG".

Step 2:
Type your message or idea into your HTML editor or copy and paste it from your text editor. Design your page and make it simple. After you, finish your work, save your file into specific folder. When designing your page, consider creating your file in single page or multiple pages that link to each other like website. If you new to website design, better you design it in single page.

Step 3:
Compile your file into ebook using ebook compiler. Go to ( and download ebook compiler. This is directory of ebook compiler and there are free ebook compilers too. Download and install ebook compiler into your computer. On the other hand, go to search engine and type, “free ebook compiler.”

Step 4:
Open your ebook compiler and browse your file (html file you create in step 2) and follow the instruction in your ebook compiler until finish.

Step 5:
Go to, download WinZip, and install it. Open WinZip application and create a new Zip file. Add your ebook file and zip it.

Step 6:
FTP or Upload your zip file (example - into your web server. You can also sign up for free web hosting. Go to search engine and type, “free website hosting.”

Step 7:
Publish your ebook on the internet. Submit it to the ebook directory or freebie directory (if your ebook is free). Go to search engine and type, “free ebook directory" or submit it to Submit first your e-book to because their website received high traffic every week. Allow your website visitors to download your e-book free.

Now you have successfully created your own e-book, publish it on the net but your e-book only can be view by Windows user. So, how your e-book can be view both Windows and Mac users. It is very simple just type your message or idea in word processor and save it in text format. Go to and follow the instruction on how to compile your text into PDF file. After you successfully create your PDF file, follow step 5, 6, 7.

Good Luck.

dinsdag 11 augustus 2009

3 Free Website Marketing Ideas - Easy And Quick

Online marketing is not cheap. You can spend thousands of dollars on Pay Per Click (Google Adwords) and thousands of site-targetted dollars (AdBrite), and you can spend thousands just buying text links from individual sites. Trust me, I've spent thousands on advertising.

However, my favorite form of marketing is the free kind. Anything free I like, especially if it helps my websites make more money without increasing my advertising costs.

Here are three easy and quick ways to market your website at no additional cost.

1. Free Business Cards

Free business cards are a staple in my advertising arsenal. You can leave them everywhere and give them to anyone. The best part is, they are free! Use them where you want, when you want, and as often as possible. That is the motto I live by whenever I get a shipment of free business cards in the mail.

2. Link Exchanges

Link exchanges are a great way of spreading Page Rank, but also of sharing visitors. Most people who like a site will bookmark it. After they have read everything they want, they will read the site that you link to. You get the visitors, and share the visitor through a link exchange.

3. Business card networking

After you have received your free business cards, use them to network with other people. Everytime you meet someone, hand them one of your free business cards. After that, ask for one of their business cards in exchange. If they don't have one, make sure you mention what you do, and the website address that is also listed on your free business card. Free business cards make a great networking tool if you will put them to use. Never forget, they are free, and should not be used sparingly. Use them in any situation you can think of. People will take them home and visit your site when they pull your business card out of their pocket.

With those three free website marketing ideas, your website will not only be more successful, but you won't have to spend any of your hard earned money on marketing!